Patreon Supporters
Patreon supporters $1 and up get early access and development art for pages.
Supporters $5 and up get Umbagog and other artwork by Fable Siegel such as raw file downloads and occasional merchandise.
Please support at Patreon.com/fable
- Avery Lychee
- Lyzzi “Jink” Jayne
- IRL Skeleton
- Jessi von Floto
- Alice Down
- Ruby
- Mike Kosier
- Tracy Butler
- Alex “Sarspax” Bennett
- TheFinalFan
- Loveta Loraine Sangster
- A. Wilkenfeld
- Gabo “Silvermender”
- Clint Pereira
- Joseph R Lallo
- Jesjpg
- Lane Red
- Pyxaron
- Shelley Low
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